Friendship Village


To solve our clients acoustical issues we came up with solutions on how to design Novawall acoustical wall panels around their existing fixtures, barrel vaulted ceiling and windows. To increase the acoustics in the main dining room, we installed Novawall over the existing wood panel ceilings. This was the first time that had ever been tried. Each ceiling panel was tracked independently and is still accessible if the client needs to get above the ceiling. We coordinated the fabrics to match their existing finishes. In the barrel vaulted dining room we decided to make it a 2” system to achieve a 1.0 NRC value. Since we couldn’t notch the 2” track to the radius of the barrel-vault, we had to notch our 1” track and 1” midwalls to the radius. Before we installed the track, we ripped 2” wide x 1” thick (we used two layers of ½” plywood) plywood strips and notched them for the radius. Those were installed everywhere where an edge track or a midwall would be installed. Then the edge track and midwalls got stapled to the furring. It was quite challenging to get the plywood strips manipulated to the radius of the room, but in the ended it turned out very well.

Completed: June 2018 and April 2021

Size: 3000 SF

Location: Bloomington, Minnesota

Services: Novawall, Novaspan